#CityofLaredo: Votes for Favors – The Big Picture


An article appearing on a LaredoBlogReports titled, “Laredo South Judges Keep On Scheming” illustrates  a political scam in which local Judges profit by perpetuating crime.

Judge Rangel and Judge Veliz keep on scheming south side residents for money and favors, according to many in the community. The so-called godfathers of Laredo’s south-side have been blood-sucking desperate people who have been arrested by letting them out on  personal recognizance bonds or PR BONDS.

What’s the scam?

Check out the full article to get an illustrious explanation.

Judges gave favors with special conditions to criminals looking for bail, essentially purchasing their political support by coercion. Repeat offenders were directed to buy bail bonds from businesses owned by Judge Rangel and Judge Veliz.  Typically, South Laredo is highly uninterested in-local politics – this fact is evinced by abysmally low voter turn out- their non participation is mostly due to apathy or ignorance.  The  rise in criminal activity has not seriously affected the conscience of our local representatives.  Our local “officials” have a mentality of their own and it is far removed from the benevolent image they portray in the media.  “We are for the community!” they hail.  Because the public removed itself from the political process local politicians are free to scheme away from public scrutiny.

Local representatives further their political campaigns by abusing their position of authority. This is a very obvious observation of American politics, however,what does it really say about our particular situation?

What’s the big picture?

The City of Laredo is a border town historically, culturally and economically bound to Nuevo Laredo because of its geographic location and predominantly Hispanic community.   The power dynamic in this isolated  Southern border town is dominated by wealthy land owners, big business  and a nepotist, unaccountable local government.  The political monopoly by the Democratic party ensures competitors and dissenters are silenced.   The domination of city government by crooked politicians is deeply cemented into the collective unconscious of Laredoans.  Moreover, this conditioning is promulgated by the learned helplessness which demagogues exploit for their own benefit.   Welfare programs have practically domesticated the population of South Laredo.  The disenchanted and disadvantaged in Laredo are pacified by government sponsored Carne Azadas and costly stadiums paid by the taxpayer.  The inept & boldface corrupt character of City Council operates on the principle of BOSS RULE:

[A] clique of politicians dominated the political life of a city by manipulating the votes of large numbers of immigrants. The bosses resorted to bribery and coercion, but they also won the support of the hard-pressed newcomers by providing informal welfare services and limited opportunities for upward mobility. Businessmen as well often embraced the systems to secure special favors from city government

–read more on the history of political machinations in South Texas

Historically, the City of Laredo’s local government represents a wealthy minority at the expense of the tax-paying majority.

The bosses catered to the needs of land speculators, developers, bankers, and merchants by promoting the extension of railroad lines to this remote section of the state –Ibid

Again, another seemingly obvious conclusion which leads us to more questions.   What allows for an entrenched minority to continue to dominate, coerce and manipulate the majority?  What keeps the scam going?

chess pieces to be sacrificed in a game of black vs white
chess pieces to be sacrificed in a game of black vs white

Los Peones, Slave Mentality and Cultural Decay

 To the Mexican-American laborers the South Texas politicians offered paternalistic services modeled after the feudalistic obligations of Mexican patrones to their peones.In return for relief during hard times and the financing of weddings, funerals, and other special occasions, lower-class Mexicans submitted to the political control of the bosses –Ibid[Emphasis added]

Laredo has a very particular culture which incubates aggression and promotes cynicism; most especially the South side of Laredo.  Though, lauded & promoted by some  as being a culturally rich border town teeming with activity the reality is quite nastier.  The reality is that most graduates tend to flee to San Antonio, Houston & Austin and those who can’t leave dream of bigger things outside of Laredo.  Because of the lack of upward mobility many over-qualified young people are met with the bitter realization that you need to tow the line to get ahead.  In this city you only get ahead by petitioning for favors from the boss-man and their cronies. “Move along to get along”  “Don’t rock the boat!” Those few lucky people belonging to the clique get the good jobs and get a free ticket to do as they may.

The Gateway city to America is constantly inundated with tons of drugs freshly imported from across the border.  Unfortunately, for a growing segment of the young population drugs offer an escape from their poverty & disenfranchisement.  Daring to risk life and limb in exchange for glamour and affluence some young Laredoeans involve themselves with Mexican drug cartels.   The story of Rosalio Reta and his accomplice Gabriel Cardona  is an extreme example, though part of an alarming trend, it illustrates crucial information.

These two American high school dropouts were contract killers — on the payroll of drug cartels in Mexico. Investigators say they were paid $500 a week, just to sit around and wait for orders from Mexico to kill. Depending on the target they could bring in anywhere between $10,000 and $50,000. They would drive around in a $70,000 Mercedes Benz, flash cash, guns and live with little fear of any consequences for their actions –CNN.com

The lack of opportunity is a shared frustration by many in Laredo but only a very few will go to these horrendous extremes.  From their interviews in prison crucial points can be understood for their justification as to why they chose that dangerous & dysfunctional life-path.  Sidestepping their excuses for murder and penchant for deception  we can clearly see they did it for the glory and power.  They felt empowered and in control, though misguided, their aspirations & frustration swayed them from studying, working, building, creating & thinking.  In reality, they were disenchanted high-school drop outs with a myopic perception spurred on by hormones and encouraged by a culture that glorifies dysfunctional behavior.

Furthermore, the self-defeating attitude inculcated by Mexican-American culture has condition our community to accept a perpetual state of devolution.  Our society ignores a lot of inconvenient things in order to preserve its “esteemed” image.  Generally speaking, of course, most Laredoeans are hesitant to critically analyze their intent & actions, because it is more comfortable to follow the dominant group.  The corrupt character of our local leaders aptly compliments a misinformed and unwitting population of peones

Who profits?

Government and those working for government like to proudly portray their image as an incorruptible force proudly serving the community.  We are asked NOT to QUESTION our leaders because they have been trained to know best. Does a society really benefit from unquestioned conformity?  Are we to believe everything we are told?   What’s the reality?

Under the cloak of the benevolent mantra “for your safety!” cops busy themselves ticketing taxpayers like predators lusting after prey.  Meanwhile, the real power brokers of criminal syndicates continue undisturbed.  Local police selectively enforce the law by busting down doors of low-level drug dealers. Their budgets grow bigger and continue to be federalized by Department of Homeland Security.  The imagined threat of terrorism is legitimizing the use of extreme measures to ensure “public safety”.  The Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act coupled with Federal grants are slowly morphing the City of Laredo into a panopticon.  An issue I covered a while back on an article titled, “The Creeping Police State in Laredo” here is a snippet:

according to US federal court documents DEA, ICE and FBI “allowed the Sinaloa drug cartel to traffic several tons of cocaine into the United States” (see this, this and this).

The perpetuation of crime oddly enough is a profitable venture because there’s almost a guaranteed resource from which to make money. Not only that but if you are partnered with the government or working for the government your position is much better than that of your competitor.  The big excuse which keeps overcrowding prison complexes around the nation is the “War on Drugs”; more aptly referred to the “War on People”.   Big Corporatist lobbying group such as ALEC support legislation which keeps the prison industry fat and happy:

When a federal judge ruled that overcrowding in Texas prisons was cruel and unusual punishment, the CCA signed contracts with sheriffs in poor counties to build and run new jails and share the profits. According to a December 1998 Atlantic Monthly magazine article, this program was backed by investors from Merrill-Lynch, Shearson-Lehman, American Express and Allstate, and the operation was scattered all over rural Texas. That state’s governor, Ann Richards, followed the example of Mario Cuomo in New York and built so many state prisons that the market became flooded, cutting into private prison profits.–read the full article on the prison-industrial complex & over-crowded prisonsGlobalResearch.ca

.  Effectively what this means is that the taxpayer has underwritten a business model in which  profit is made from human suffering.  The prison-industrial complex is a behemoth and they are many working gears from big corporate cartels to tyrannical legislation at a Federal, state & local level.  

  How is this relevant? The run-away corruption affecting our community emanates from the macrocosm of the political game.  The platform of power & control attracts power-hungry monopolists that want to get richer.  The corruption is much larger than local judges giving out favors in return for votes, as if that weren’t bad enough.  Our unaccountable government operates under our noses and continues to grow because our lack of participation, social cohesion and lack of knowledge .  Complaints, petitions, lawsuits or other forms activism are practical methods of directing our energy against the the corruption in government.  However, they all require participation in the political game and only address the political issue.   If we intend to succeed in our quest for freedom we must make government irrelevant.  The game has not changed!  We must learn from our history and assess ourselves critically in order to move forward & beyond the need of political dynasties.  Applying our knowledge locally in this vital time of change is of utmost importance.  Don’t react, create! Participate!  Break through your limitations and reinvent the world around you for the better!

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Laredo’s South Side Judges Keep On Scheming the Community

I really recommend you read the comments on this article hosted on LAREDOMEDIA blog reports. Personally, I am aware of this scam and I don’t think it’s a matter of conjecture. Now more than ever we should focus our attention on local politics. After all, we are paying them to manage our money, prisons, health dept and many other services.

Laredo Media

Judge Rangel and Judge Veliz keep on scheming south side residents for money and favors, according to many in the community. The so-called godfathers of Laredo’s south-side have been blood-sucking desperate people who have been arrested by letting them out on  personal recognizance bonds or PR BONDS.

Wonder how it works? These judges will release you on a personal recognizance bonds in exchange for money. Many bonds that Judge Rangel and Judge Veliz have approved are people that have been accused of beating up their spouse (domestic violence) and those that have been arrested for drugs, theft, child endangerment and abandonment and many other misdemeanors and felonies. Many of those arrested have been arrested numerous times. Repeat offenders are often released illegally on a PR BOND. There have been many that have been arrested for the same charge and then get released from jail within hours.  It seems that the…

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As a measure of precaution whenever I hear the words “green, conservation, sustainable design” spewing from politicians I duck for cover. The green fascist agenda works meticulously behind a wall of seemingly altruistic, “environmentally friendly” intent. However, their true agenda aims to crush property rights and civil liberties using the excuse of “saving the planet”. When I heard the TCEQ 3rd annual environmental summit was coming to town I had to see it for myself.

from pro8news.com: The Third Annual Laredo Environmental Summit kicked off Thursday morning at Texas A&M International University….

The goal is to create an avenue where state environmental officials can work with the community to address urgent environmental issues, educate local students and instill a sense of responsibility in residents.

There will be more summits to come, and it was my suspicion this summit will be used as a platform to introduce Agenda 21 to my local community. In fact, the summit is sponsoring a contest for High School students to submit their best “sustainable building” designs:

The 2012-2013 Residential Sustainable Building Design Challenge seeks talented and responsible students to participate and compete in a sustainable building design challenge. The object is to engage in an improved, creative way of thinking and of designing sustainably. Design objectives should be based on sustainable, ecological and performance criteria rather than trends and aesthetics. Students will envision and design an affordable new home by incorporating all options that might generate workable energy and water conservation solutions to the project.

By now we should all be aware of the keywords used in order to disguise Agenda 21: sustainability, smart growth, climate-change. I recommend you watch this detailed presentation which fully explains Agenda 21 its idioms, tactics and its implementation.

The meeting stayed on the lighter side with topics such as water conservation, recycling etc – I couldn’t shake the feeling these topics are practically non-issues. When you compare the severity of GMO’s, chemtrails and their massive impact on the planet everything else seems trivial. I thought it best to ask those questions myself:

I couldn’t shake the feeling I was getting canned responses. 

Off camera I was vetted when I approach TECQ commissioner Tony Bake to ask him a question. He refused to answer my question because of “legal reasons” which prohibited him from commenting on on-going court cases. Of course, my question wouldn’t put the Texas Commission on Environmentally Quality in the best light so it isn’t proper to ask. How can the TECQ claim it is here to protect us when top TECQ “officials” distorted radiation levels found in water? My question was met with silence and a glare that said it all.

from khou.com: “It’s a conspiracy at the TCEQ of the highest order,” said Tom Smith, of the government watchdog group Public Citizen. “The documents have indicted the management of this commission in a massive cover-up to convince people that our water is safe to drink when it’s not.”

Personally, I’m not going to wait to react until the full brunt of Agenda 21 comes to my county. Instead of drowning in a ever-flowing torrent of propaganda I’m going to meet it head-on and put the truth back into focus.

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National Breast Cancer UNAWARENES Month

Wherever you may find yourself a cancer victim is most likely nearby decrepit from the medieval cures of orthodox medicine.  Cancer is ubiquitous and it’s exploding in society and it has become an almost inescapable tragedy, so much so that it is now trendy and hip to wear pink and spread awareness.  Millions of dollars spent in research and 20 years of spreading awareness and still breast cancer is on the rise.  This “awareness” has people en mass volunteering and donating money for research to find a cure, and it also inadvertently trivialized the issue.  October should be rightly known as the  National Breast Cancer UNAWARENESS month! Brought to you by Aztrazeneca the exclusive peddler of carcinogenic snake oils such as ArimidexTamoxifen.

AstraZeneca… founded the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 1985, in partnership with the American Cancer Society, in order to promote the widespread adoption of x-ray mammography

Ever since its inception the NBCAM has been  a scheme to profit off people’s ignorance by convincing the public of the efficacy of death-rays and cure all snake oils.  Several studies clearly show that mammogram screenings are ineffective and in fact proliferate cancerous cells, in other words their preventative solution causes cancer.  In addition, the myopic trendiness of NBCAM ignores the causes of breast cancer and instead focuses on the feel-good factor of activism.  The NBCAM is a massively deceptive marketing scheme that is promulgated by unethical corporations which seek to profit from the death of millions.  Before you decide to wear a pink ribbon or donate money to a charity ask yourself these questions:

How much money from your purchase actually goes to the cause?

What is the maximum amount that will be donated?

How much money was spent marketing the product?

How are the funds being raised?

To what breast cancer organization does the money go, and what types of programs does it support?

What is the company doing to assure that its products are not contributing to the breast cancer

Follow the numbers…

(Huffington Post)”If all 20 million U.S. premenopausal women submitted to annual mammograms, the minimal annual costs would be $2.5 billion. Such costs would be increased some fourfold if the industry, supported by radiologists, succeeds in its efforts to replace film machines, costing about $100,000, with high-tech digital machines, costing over $400,000, even in the absence of any evidence for their improved effectiveness.”

(PreventCancer.com) AstraZeneca profits from treating breast cancer, and hopes to profit still more from the prospects of large-scale national use of Tamoxifen for breast cancer “prevention.”

(NaturalNews) … it is in fact true that the [American Cancer Society’s] 22-member board was created in 1990 to solicit corporate contributions. It’s also true that board members include Gordon Binder, who is the CEO of Amgen, a biotechnology company that sells chemotherapy products. Another board member, David R. Bethune, is president of Lederle Laboratories, a multinational pharmaceutical company and a division of American Cyanamid Company. In fact, many board members seemingly stand to make more money by treating cancer than preventing it.

It is difficult to discern what is more atrocious the ignorance of the public or the existence of greedy, immoral opportunists whom peddle death for a quick buck.  The unholy  marriage  of the medical-industrial complex  (Siemens, GE, Dupont, Eastman, Kodak, Piker, Aztrazeneca et. al.) and “not-for-profit” organizations, (such as ACS, NCI, NBCA),  purposefully obfuscate  the real causes of cancer.  Because it is in their best interest to continue on the scam it’s a multi-billion dollar industry after all.

Alternative medicine is combating the onslaught of scientific quackery and deadly ineffective drugs with the power of nature.  Spices such as turmericblack peppergarlic  and other super-foods provide the anti-oxidants which prevent many types of cancer, including breast cancer. (Related: Healthy oils suppress Breast Cancer)

This decentralized medical revolution threatens the sacred cow known as the medical-industrial complex.  The medical orthodoxy has been so effective in culling millions it’s no longer trusted as the infallible, omnipotent and benevolent white-coat.  The issue here is that we are not only combating a slew of  corrupt anti-human cretins, but also people’s naivete. Moreover, the great culling is already underway and the only thing that will save us  is a true awareness to the source of our disease.  Ignorance is the reason we find ourselves immerse in a toxic sludge of corruption.  The truth is out there all we’ve got to do is seek it and speak it.

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The unstoppable rise of cannabis and it medical cures

The #Lamestream media can no longer steer public opinion towards drug prohibition. The drug war is an overriding failure compounding the economic collapse.  However, that certainly wouldn’t stop the Lamestream from citing fallacious studies that purport to evince the harmful effects of marijuana. 

(Reuters) – Young men who had smoked marijuana recreationally were twice as likely to be diagnosed with testicular cancer than men who have never used marijuana, according to a U.S. study….”This is the third study consistently demonstrating a greater than doubling of risk of this particularly undesirable subtype of testicular cancer among young men with marijuana use,” said Victoria Cortessis of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, who led the study.

According to the researchers this proves an association between marijuana use and testicular cancer.  The article goes on to say that the risk of mortality resulting from this particular type of cancer, called nonseminoma, isn’t “overwhelming”.  “According to the American Cancer Society, a man’s lifetime risk of getting testicular cancer is about one in 270 – and because effective treatment is available, the risk of dying from the disease is just one in 5,000.”

The study is flawed because it does not look into environmental causes, but instead concentrates on recreational drug use alone; alcohol, tobacco, amyl nitrate, marijuana, cocaine.  At least, the author of the article was partially honest and pointed out, “little is known about what causes it”.  It goes on to say, ” pesticide and hormone exposure have also been associated with the tumors”.  Obviously, GMO, pesticides, BPA, Wi-Fi, microwave radiation from cell-phone and telephone towers have much more to do with the causation of cancer than anything else.  In my view, this study is misguided because of its myopic approach to cancer causes and also it completely disregards the toxic grid we live under. The lead researcher of the study goes on to say: 



“I myself feel like we need to take this seriously now,” she added, noting that the rates of testicular cancer have been rising inexplicably over the past century.


“Inexplicably” all of a sudden cancer rates are exploding…coincidental, right?  A cursory glance into the issue, devoid of bias, illustrates that our modern technological habitat is directly to blame for the explosion of cancer rates.  


For example, Dr. Avendano and Dr. Jarvi conducted a study which showed a relationship between laptop use and low fertility. 


“It has been shown that sperm motility and DNA fragmentation quality are necessary for normal fertilization,” he said. “Therefore, we speculate that the use of [WiFi-connected] portable computers . . . near the testis may decrease sperm quality by a nonthermal effect, and likewise may reduce the chance of pregnancy.”

Although, the study was conducted in-vitro it showed that electromagnetic waves have a detrimental effect on cells.  This is not the only study that evinces the association of electromagnetic radiation and their detrimental effect to cells. Dr Neil Cherry’s (1964-2003) scientific research into this phenomena delves deeper into this macabre relationship.  


Cellphone use has also been associated with increased rates of brain tumor in 6 studies and eye cancer in one study. Police traffic radar is also shown to be genotoxic through studies associating it with increased rates of testicular cancer. This is a consistent and coherent set of studies confirming that microwaves, radar and police radar are genotoxic



Cherry (2002) shows that natural electromagnetic radiation, the Schumann Resonance signal, when it is modulated by Solar Activity, is associated with modulation of human health effects, including cancer, cardiac, reproductive and neurological diseases and mortality. The study also shows that similar elevated health effects are found in electrical workers and physiotherapists exposed to short wave and microwaves. Since the cellphone radiation exposes the user?s body to about a million times higher and the head to about a billion times higher exposure than the mean Schumann resonance signal, it is scientifically plausible that the same effects will be found from exposure to cellphone radiation. 




I implore you to read more of the studies and research papers that relate to this issue to verify it for yourself. The scientific research squarely places the blame on the electronic smog we are inundated with throughout our lives.  Linking marijuana use to cancer struck me as odd, because of a recent pivotal study that shows Cannabidiol -a chemical compound found in cannabis- stops the metastasis of aggressive in several types of cancer. 

(Huffington Post) – A pair of scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco has found that a compound derived from marijuana could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer, potentially altering the fatality of the disease forever.

Independent researchers have demonstrably shown that marijuana users have lower risk of cancer (related: Cannabis smokers show greater lung capacity and lower cancer levels… )

Because of the prejudice against this wholesome medicine the medical establishment is hesitant to accept facts.  Moreover, their vitriolic opposition to alternative medicine is due to the vested interest in Big Pharma.  The money is in the treatment of diseases and there’s not much money to rake in with cures. 

Hemp oil is a miraculous cure against cancer that the medical establishment dare not mention.  Because it goes against everything they’ve been promoting for decades.  The testimonials speak for themselves: 



This magnificent medical innovation coincides with the massive political movement to decriminalize marijuana.  It has been long overdue and the oppressive totalitarian measures to counter drug usage is an abysmal failure.  In fact, it has only been effective in justifying the Orwellian police state we find ourselves in. 

(Huffington Post) Once consigned to the political fringe, marijuana policy is appearing on legislative agendas around the country thanks to an energized base of supporters and an increasingly open-minded public. Lawmakers from Rhode Island to Colorado are mulling medical marijuana programs, pot dispensaries, decriminalization and even legalization. Seventeen states and the District of Columbia now authorize medical marijuana and 14, including neighboring Connecticut and Massachusetts, have rolled back criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of pot.


In the international stage the drug war is a colossal failure with its only meaningful contribution being murder and mayhem.  Colombia, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina have taken the lead to decriminalize drugs.  Uruguay is going a step further and directly dealing drugs to consumers at a taxable profit.  Latin America has been ravaged by violence spurring from the backwards policy of drug prohibition.  The momentum to decriminalize drugs is exploding and wouldn’t be stopped.  The paradigm of yesteryear is in shambles and the time has come to #JustSayNow to drug decriminalization. 


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Hog-wild militarized police state VS the rising tide of pissed off Americans

The incidents of police brutality in America are pretty shocking; and that is putting it VERY mildly.  From East to West, North to South police corruption virulently spreads because that is a typical outcome of an authoritarian state. Take a look at a small sampling of criminals with badges acting out: 


I did not know this but, apparently, power-crazed uniformed thugs love beating up on the mentally disabled, or anyone whose incapable of defending themselves. If you have any doubts, then look no further then here:

 The Fascist state is in survival mode and its tightening its iron-clad grip on any type of dissent; no matter how mundane. The Shadow government, cloaking itself under emergency preparedness, factored in the eventuality of massive opposition to its planned tyrannical imposition. The police force that the controllers cultivated aims to defraud us of our money, honor and send “armies of officers…to eat out our substance.”  The police are now paramilitary forces with tanks, air support, drones, spy-tech, self-sustained surveillance towers, smart-vans..what are the applications of these technologies? Controlling “unruly crowds”. 
Meanwhile, the US military is nice enough to train the public to accept its rule by increasing its presence on American streets.  Like I wrote in my previous article, ” military drills… are theatrical. The soft-landing of martial law in various parts of the country are a training exercise for the public. The public is being conditioned to slowly accept martial law as normal. Because everyone know a free and open society normally has paramilitary troops perch atop black helicopters stirring up terror in the midst of night.” What scenario is the military preparing for? You guessed it,   “The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials.”   Associated Press reports the formation of a world wide police force manned USMC MP’s:

Units of hundreds of military police officers trained to investigate crimes have been created by the marine corps and will “assist local authorities” in securing crime scenes and building cases

Of course this is not a recent development, but the plan all along writes Steve Watson from Infowars:

Federal authorities in the United States have clearly been preparing for domestic civil unrest for a number of years.The Department of Homeland Security recently purchased a staggering 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets as well as bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights. In addition, worrying legislation such as the National Defense Authorization Act, has paved the way for the incarceration of American citizens under military laws, and numerous leaked and semi-secret documents position the army as partners to domestic federal agencies in quelling unrest in America and even engaging in missions involving the ”resettlement” of US citizens.

Maybe it’s just me. but I think Americans are finally getting the message that they don’t live in a free and open society.  And they are pissed! Recently in Anaheim, California uniformed thugs unleashed hounds, rubber bullets and the full brunt of a corrupt police force.

The “rioters” were angry with the police for shooting another unarmed man under suspicious circumstances.   The overreaction by the police only brought more outrage to the the community of Anaheim:

Riots and protests have gripped the town for the past four days after the deaths of Manuel Diaz on Saturday and Joel Acevedo on Sunday at the hands of police officers. More atEndtheLie.com 

According to the demonstrators’ FB event page, “Anaheim Police Department has gotten away with their lies, brutality, excessive force, racial profiling, misconduct and MURDER for far too long..Their corruption and blatant disregard for our HUMAN/civil rights will NO LONGER BE TOLERATED!! ”       Again, this reaction by pissed off Americans is not an isolated event take a look at a recent case in Dallas in which another unarmed man was killed by police under suspicious circumstances.

Dallas News | myFOXdfw.com  From Fox 4 in Dallas: Word of the shooting quickly spread through the neighborhood as family members and the curious rushed to the scene, eventually amassing in the hundreds and prompting police to call for additional crowd control, including SWAT. In fact, officers armed with pepper ball guns and shields forced the crowd back amid reports of people trying to cut through fences to gain access to the shooting scene. These event are escalating and reaching an absurd level of corruption.  It’s so blatantly obvious that police are no longer the “good guys”; by no means I am making a blanket accusation.  There are some good cops out there, but that is irrelevant.  Because the police, local, state and Federal government are no longer held accountable to the people.  Instead, they are programmed by the un-elected bureaucracy to see the public as prey to be fed on and herded. In reality, the Executive branch is beholden to the United Nations which itself is an apparatus for ultra-rich oligarchs to collectivized the world under their control. This isn’t our “free and open” government anymore its a racket we’ve bought into for too long.  Will there be a Winter of Discontent this year? 

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Double Whammy: Inflation & Droughts

Listen to my podcast “Episode 5: Food Crisis, Water Scarcity, Energy Wars” by clicking on the inter-dimensional alien invader.  

   Rising food prices may not affect the US as much as the third world but that may all change.  The US is experiencing the worst drought in 25 years! The record breaking heatwave from hell is wrecking the corn harvest.  Corn exports are an all time high and US had to rely on cheap Brazilian corn to meet demand

Grain imports into the United States are rare, but have almost always been for Wilmington Bulk that has in the past complained that buying grain from the Midwest sometimes cost more… 

   This rare move helped the consortium advert higher prices, but we wouldn’t have the same luck.  Especially when you consider that corn is found in almost everything! The heatwave is so bad its decimating grazing grounds.  According to Dave Miller- a farmer from Iowa- this means rising prices in the long term: 

“It’s likely that in three to six months from now, you will start seeing an increase in prices in the meat case,..[t]here will be a quicker impact on eggs and poultry because the production cycle is shorter.” 

Corn is used for Ethanol, sodas, pastries and much, much more

historic drought has caused corn crop yields to shrink and prices to explode higher. Some form of corn or refined corn goes into countless types of goods.  Eventually, this could hit producer and consumer prices.

But like the EconomicCollapse blog points out…food is already getting expensive.  How much has inflation affected you?

American families found their grocery budgets stretched very thin during 2011.  Just check out these food inflation rates from last year….

  • Beef: +10.2%
  • Pork: +8.5%
  • Fish: +7.1%
  • Eggs: +9.2%
  • Dairy: +6.8%
  • Oils and Fats: +9.3%

 Americans are facing inflation,  record breaking heatwaves, financial collapse,and  Civil War.  Several counties are going bankrupt and so many other institutions are in the red.    Meanwhile, the police get bigger guns, scarier tanks and a lower sense of dignity.  The police have become revenue generators and no longer represent the best interest of the people.  The social contract we all thought was fair and balance is an illusion.  The US constitution has been flushed long ago.  Buying into the lie keeps the clown in powers.  There is no other option but to opt-out from the controller’s false dichotomy. No need to riot.  Boycott.  Grow your own food.  Question.  

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Drones over Texas coming to a community near you

The technocracy is spreading its predatory wings above the heads of unsuspecting Americans. Predatory drones patrolling the skies is an Orwellian method of command & control. The same military technology blamed for indiscriminate killing of civilians overseas is attempting to establish its dominance in U.S. soil. This flagrant affront to our civil liberties means little to elected officials because fighting phony terror threats is more important.  Despite the fact that drones are prone to crashes, ineffective and expensive to operate:

The border drones require an hour of maintenance for every hour they fly, cost more to operate than anticipated, and are frequently grounded by rain or other bad weather, according to a draft audit of the program last month by the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general. 

“A mystery object, thought to be a military or law enforcement drone, flying in controlled airspace over Denver almost caused a catastrophic mid air crash with a commercial jet,” Infowars reported.


Air traffic collision with commercial, private flights was the main concern of the FAA when it mulled approval for more drones over Texas.  The “FAA told [Congressman Cuellar] that regulators’ main concern has been with Texas’ heavy airplane traffic — both private and commercial.

In fact, when Montgomery County Sheriff’s office tested its prototype drone for a photo-op the drone “crashed into a nearby police vehicle.”


In 2010, the Texas Department of Public Safety had to cancel its drone program because of “maintenance issues”.  “The drones were constantly having maintenance issues because they weren’t designed to land in a rocky environment like Texas and didn’t fly well in high winds.”


Texas has drones stationed in the Naval Air Base in Corpus Christi. The drones conduct operations in the coastal and Rio Grande border regions in Texas.  The drones are used by several law enforcement agencies such as the Texas Rangers, FBI, CPB.  In addition, to these agencies Texas State University, and Texas A&M-Corpus Christi are already experimenting with drones of their own.  Professor Thom Hardy is conducting a study on drones with the aim to “ replace…manned aircraft operations” by Texas Park and Wildlife Department.  Meanwhile, researcher  Dr. Stacey Lyle with Texas A&M reassured us, “These aircraft will never invade your privacy as set by state and federal laws.” 

Regurgitating the establishment’s hackneyed rhetoric only reaffirms the suspicions of privacy-conscious citizens.  The drones threatened our liberty, prosperity and privacy.   Houston Police Department




How can our 4th amendment be protected from undetectable drones flying  over us?  How would we really know if we are being spied on by drones? How can our privacy be respected when the Air Force state drones can spy on us without a warrant? 


The use of drones domestically is more prevalent now than ever with the FAA predicting by 2020 30,000 drones will be in domestic use. Congressman Henry Cuellar, Gov. Rick Perry and other state representative have repeatedly begged DHS for more drones. Ultimately, their goal is to implement total drone supremacy over the border.

Customs and Border Protection has said it intends to increase unmanned aircraft systems across the country this year, and it expects a complete network of the unmanned planes all along the border by 2015.



There are already two law enforcement agencies in Texas who are using drones for policing.  Laredo’s Police Department and Webb County sheriff’s office could very-well joined the list of law enforcement agencies with drones.  Because of their penchant for Federal grants they will stop at nothing to fight organize crime, drug trafficking and terrorisn.  This is a laughable justification for the use of drones.  The corrupt co-opted government benefits, creates and fund synthetic terrorism.  The Federal government ships in tons of drugs into the U.S.  How are drones operated by gov. agencies going to stop the government from  breaking the law? 




Montgomery County Sherriff Tommy Gage is stated that the County’s domestic drones could be flying high above us with weapons ready.  “We’re not going to use it to be invading somebody’s privacy. It’ll be used for situations we have with criminals,” Gage said.  This absurd justification to launch Skynet for our safety sets a precedent for disaster.  Do you remember how tasers were meant to be used as a last resort?  This is an alarming trend unfolding throughout the totalitarian state that America has devolved into.  While the banks rape and steal everything the plebs must bow to the technocratic overlords.  The FAA has now made it easier for police department to acquire drones.  Billions of plebeian tax money will go off to the NWO’s military industrial complex,  defense contractors like AeroVironment & Vanguard will profit.  




The real question for any concerned, liberty loving sovereign to ask: How long before drones with guns make it to my local community?


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Bullshit Alert: Officials Say Laredo Border is Well Secured

LAREDO, Texas–Violence across the border is going beyond the absurd. War on drugs is a huge failure and a moral hazard that festers barbaric criminality. How many more thousands of people have to die before the delusion stops? The current death toll in Mexico is more than 60,000! Car bombs, explosions, massacres & mutilations in Nuevo Laredo happen so frequently any Laredoean can hear it both at nights and mornings. Because of its position as America’s largest inland port Laredo sees a lot of contraband passing through its gates. Cartels are sophisticated paramilitary organizations with rocket-launchers, grenades, surveillance networks, submarines, fully automatic assault riffles, and countless unemployed jackals ready for a quick buck. The Texas Department of Public Safety has stated that cartels are adopting military tacticsand recruiting teens to expand their criminal organization.

Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steven C. McCraw said last week in a report given to Congress that the cartels “incorporate reconnaissance networks, techniques and capabilities normally associated with military organizations, such as communications intercepts, interrogations, trend analysis, secure communications, coordinated military-style tactical operations, GPS, thermal imagery and military armaments, including fully automatic weapons, rocket-propelled grenades and hand grenades.”

Not only that, cartels have established training camps 100 miles outside of the city (not the only camp in the US see this).
The flow of drugs hast not slowed, in-fact, it’s so profitable that it caught the attention of many criminals with badges. Laredo PD Officers, border patrol and the Sheriff’s deputies have been caught repeatedly smuggling drugs into our side of the border.

Meanwhile in fairy land, local law enforcement agents assure that they can secure the border in case of a spillover:



Acting Deputy Chief William Jenkins with the Border Patrol in the Laredo sector said, “For Laredo sector you’re talking about 1900 law enforcement officers that alone just the Border Patrol. We work with all our other law enforcement buddies here. we got the sheriff’s office, LPD, FBI, ATF, cbp port of entry.”

Two of the highest government expenditures in Webb County are the Justice system & Corrections and “Rehabilitation”. Webb county is spending so much on its justice system because of drug-related crime. Take into account that Webb County is facing budget cuts, $11 million deficit and a slowed economy. This problem is not going to go away any time soon. And obviously a tougher crack down on drugs will only exacerbate the situation. Continuing the phony war on drugs will bankrupt our local economy. Not only that but consider all the lives wrecked by our penal system. The real solution that is not talked about is drug decriminalization. However, the solution our local representatives have is to get “tough on crime” or institute a “zero-tolerance” policy. These approaches only create more criminals, disparity and wasted potential. LEGALIZE FREEDOM NOW!

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53% Graduates Unemployed/Underemployed

There is another sign of the College Bubble coming to an ugly end.

 According to an article by CNBC

 “About 1.5 million, or 53.6 percent, of bachelor’s degree-holders under the age of 25 last year were jobless or underemployed, the highest share in at least 11 years”  

Northeastern University researchers analyzed teen employment based on the Department of Labor’s job market figures.
“Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University who analyzed the numbers, said many people with a bachelor’s degree face a double whammy of rising tuition and poor job outcomes.”  Despite the harrowing economic condition in the U.S.  economist David Neumark says bachelor degree’s are beneficial.  The myth that a college diploma guarantees a high paying job is truly insane.  How can a over-inflated “asset” that is becoming more ubiquitous in the labor market be beneficial? How is it beneficial to go into debt?  Colleges debt is financial poison because it can’t be written off.  Not only that but the interest rate is at a high 6%.  Consequently, leaving senior citizens struggling to pay off their college debt decades after their graduation. 

…even after earning her master’s, Barnett struggled to find a job that paid more than $25,000 a year and soon fell behind on her payments. She suffered through a layoff, a stretch of unemployment and the death of her husband — while her student loan ballooned to roughly $54,000.

I previously wrote an article debunking the College Myth.   Unfortunately, not many are catching on to the new American reality. There is going to be no recovery, but a race to the bottom.  More and more Americans are depending on government assistance to make ends meet.  Last year one of out seven were receiving food stamps–the CBO predicts this figure will grow throughout 2014.
Andrew Sum says, “We’re going to need a lot better job growth and connections to the labor market, otherwise college debt will grow.”
This wouldn’t solve anything because it doesn’t get to the root of the problem.  Tuition cost will rise because the Government will continue to subsidize artificial demand vis-a-vis nationalization of college debt.  Since 1985 tuition cost has inflated 498% with no end in sight.  The stream of artificial demand pumped out by the Government has spewed out $1 trillion debt.  The solution lies with privatization.  Competition within the market will lower costs and higher the quality of education.  

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